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“Wipe-Out” Shines Spotlight on Diaper Need

by Carolyn Moyer - May 10, 2023

WELLSBORO, Pa. – Celebrate the month of May by joining the Tioga County Partnership for Community Health in their first-ever “Wipe-Out;” a drive to collect baby wipes to be distributed through the Wellsboro First Presbyterian Church’s Diapers for Darlings Program.

Each month, volunteers from the First Presbyterian Church coordinate with families, order, sort, organize diapers and host a monthly distribution. Each child in the program receives 50 diapers or 30 pull-ups plus a package of wipes. The church also houses a clothing boutique where families can find gently used clothing.

“We will need $20,000 this year to meet the diaper needs through this ministry,” said Jessica Birbeck, coordinator of the Diapers for Darlings Program.

To support this community service and to celebrate Mother’s Day, the Partnership has planned a “Wipe-Out” from May 1 through May 31. To participate, drop off packaged baby wipes at any C&N branch (Wellsboro, Mansfield, Tioga, Knoxville, Elkland or Liberty. Boxes with the “Wipe-Out” logos are at each location.

According to the Diaper Bank Network, a national non-profit organization that works with communities to address diaper need, one in three families struggles with providing clean, dry diapers for their infants and toddlers. As costs continue to rise and incomes remain stagnant, that gap between being able to provide basic needs and not being able to afford essentials is growing. Although some communities work to provide diapers through food banks and other community outreach partners, storage area and correct sizing can be an issue.

“After speaking with representatives from the Diapers for Darlings program, it became evident that diaper need literally comes in all sizes and is difficult to track,” said Carolyn Moyer, Tioga County Partnership for Community Health’s Healthy Tioga Workgroup Coordinator. “When you factor in allergies and special needs, the choice for diapers is better left to those who are looking at a spreadsheet containing size and related information. That is why we chose to help stretch their dollars by organizing a wipe drive.”

The Diapers for Darlings program is in its third year and currently serves as many as 88 families from Tioga County. Participants must meet eligibility requirements and distribution is monthly. If you are enrolled, any changes to diaper size or need must be communicated to the program at least two weeks in advance of the month’s distribution.

Although donations of packaged diapers won’t be turned away, monetary contributions can ensure that the proper sizes can be ordered and are available. Send checks made out to the First Presbyterian Church with Diapers for Darlings Wipe-Out in the memo to 130 Main St., Wellsboro, PA 16901.

For more information on the Diapers for Darlings Program, visit the church’s facebook page: (, email them at, or call the church office at 570-724-3431.

The Tioga County Partnership for Community Health is celebrating its 30th year of bringing people together to explore opportunities to promote the health and wellness of our communities. Workgroups focus on drug and alcohol prevention, immunizations, fitness, and wellness programs throughout the county. Visit our website ( or like us on facebook: County Partnership for Community Health.


Writing: Carolyn Moyer

Produced by Vogt Media
