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Whose Image Is Reflected In You?

by Glen Hallead - February 8, 2023

My mother and father in law have a marble relief of the “Belle of Baltimore” (Napoleon Bonaparte’s sister-in-law) through a marriage Napoleon later annulled too ensure his brother’s marriage to someone more politically helpful. The relief hangs above in a prominent place in their home. It likely entered my father in law’s family in the late 1800’s having been rejected by the person who commissioned it because of a flaw in the marble…It just wasn’t an acceptable image.

One time, when Jesus was asked a question about paying taxes to Caesar, an offense to the Jews, he asked for a coin and then asked who’s image was on it. The questioners replied “Caesar’s” to which Jesus replied, “render unto Caesar’s that which is Caesar’s and unto God that which is God’s.”

It was a reminder of the creation story that tells us we are created in God’s own image. So we reflect the very image of God Almighty!

I don’t know about you but when I look in the mirror in the morning, I don’t think “Oh that’s what God looks like…” the image of God in us is constantly being marred by our brokenness, our rebellion, and our self-interest. The image of God within you, though it may be wearied, broken, torn, and stained, can be made new…It happens every hour of every day to folks just like you and me. In Christ we become a new creation…leading one to ask, whose image is reflected in you?

If you’d like to talk, you can email me at


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Glen Hallead
Photography: Provided

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Dunhams Department Store
