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Who Is Your Center?

by Derrel Emmerson - October 26, 2015

Proverbs 20:10 Differing weights and differing measures—the LORD detests them both.

This proverb regarding “weights and measures” might well be a statement against the moral and value relativism of our age. Everyone must ask the question of the authority regarding their beliefs held passionately or otherwise. Are there any universal values worth holding? Are our laws founded on nature’s law or our opinions?

Furthermore, is it realistic to think we must have 100% proof before we commit to anyone or anything? If so, what right do we have to any opinions even the opinion that we must have 100% certainty? Is the belief that morals, values and opinions are relative and all people’s values are of equal importance? Or, is faith a prime ingredient of life no matter what the discipline to which it is applied? These are questions whose answers enable us to transcend and live with hope or leave us in a state of uncertainty and victimhood.

It is clear that every human is committed to an opinion about most things. So, each of us hold values by faith more than we would like to admit. Our life task is a simple matter of finding our center. If you believe there is a God then serve him and all that he represents or commands! If you are your own center it is certain that you will be a god whom, ultimately, you will demand others to serve.

To solve this dilemma some people even try to cobble together some idolatrous belief structure. Make it complicated. Make it simple. Make it religious or make it secular. Others have done both and they always end up as cult leaders or in a cult to their liking seeking to enslave or eradicate all who disagree.

All decisions we make about our authorities for life will make all the difference in the way we live, our relationships and will determine our personal peace, joy and meaning. Our world view is about life and death and it should be approached seriously. Whatever we decide demonstrates where our faith rests. To have no opinion is a choice in itself.

