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What’s the deal with curbside recycling?

by Sara Vogt - October 13, 2023

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle are three essential words when discussing the weightiness of our stewardship for the well-being of the planet we all enjoy.

On this broadcast, Home Page Vice-President Sara Vogt discovers what products can be recycled when visiting with Leigh Towey, the Recycling, Safety & Education Coordinator of Northern Tier Solid Waste Authority.

Recycling is crucial for so many reasons. Today, we live in such a disposable society that we are throwing our natural resources away in landfills, and unfortunately, many of these resources are non-renewable. By recycling, we at least can recover as many of these resources as possible and help conserve landfill space, which is constantly diminishing.

On this broadcast, Leigh explains the different items that can be recycled at the curb. All of these items should be in separate containers so the employees of NTSWA have a pleasant time collecting them! Aluminum cans. glass (brown, green, or clear), tin cans, newspaper, mixed paper, scrap paper or junk mail, corrugated cardboard, and plastics.

Leigh shared that paperboard is unacceptable because it has been recycled too much.

The plastics can be put into a garbage bag for the employees to throw up on top without hassle. It is not required but helpful!

This coming week in Wellsboro is Fall Clean Up, another way to dispose of our household items in a way that benefits our community.

For more information about recycling, please visit the NTSWA website at


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Pleasant Valley Veterinary Care
