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New Life hosts 2nd Annual Biker Sunday

New Life hosts 2nd Annual Biker Sunday

by Amanda Carreon - August 2, 2022

The second annual Biker Sunday was held at New Life church on July 10th. This event is held to embrace the Biker Community and show them and the church that we are alike in ways we don’t realize. Pastor David Ayer shared that day “all are welcome”. Rich Vreland chuckled “we’re all sinners”. And Joe Kisinger stated “there’s something believers can learn from biker brotherhood”.

New Life did an outstanding job hosting, providing breakfast treats, lunch, and shade. The morning was lead with outdoor worship, while children ran around the playground. It was a beautiful sight as some stood, sat, sipped coffee or water, and most importantly fellowshipped together even in our different seasons of life. God surely was smiling.

Joe Kisinger was honored to be able to tell his story. “Sharing my testimony gives me an opportunity to talk about the goodness of God. He never fails me. When I was on death’s doorstep He surrounded me with the Holy Spirit and gave me so much peace I knew everything was going to be fine even if I died. The Lord spared my life that day so i can continue telling people of His goodness. “

Rich Vreland of Vreeland’s Harley Davidson returned this year to share his love of Jesus and horsepower. He makes the travel from Bloomsburg to bring truth, humor and his trailers of bikes. We appreciate him coming!

The biker games were a lot of fun with Aryc Hughson being the overall winner. Many sponsors donated prizes this year showing that this event will keep growing! Another sign of this “Debbie prayed for 40 bikes to show up, before worship we had 38, and two just pulled in.” said Dan Colton.

“I love how bikers from across the region were able to come together on a beautiful day to ride and celebrate the other thing that unites them: Jesus. It was different this year because it wasn’t raining. We had a ton of bikers from across the region, some unbelievers, but they came to a fun event devoted to celebrate bikes and the riders who love them. It allowed for many who don’t normally go to church to see that there’s a group of people at New Life, and other churches, that love them and want them to find the reality of Jesus for themselves. It was just a great day.” was Pastor Ayer’s remarks about this year’s Bikers Sunday.


Writing: Amanda Carreon
Photography: Provided

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Thompson's Sports & Apparel
