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Movin’ Together: The Gift of Hope

by Sara Vogt - May 29, 2020

On Friday, May 29th, Tioga County enters the green phase as an important step for the county in its gradual return to “normalcy” – but not quite. Many activities we look forward to each year, like the Laurel Festival have been canceled, others have been modified, or changed. Things still seem uncertain as we go forward into the summer of 2020.

On our Movin’ Together broadcasts we encourage women to be proactive about their health – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. For many of us, this COVID 19 pandemic has both blessed and stressed in all four of those areas of our lives.

Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in May in the United States since 1949 giving hope and reminding us to be kind to our minds. Lori Makos, Laurel Behavioral Health Therapist joined Home Page Vice-President Sara Vogt by video to discuss the gift of hope and maintaining a healthy mindset.

When Sara asked Lori the definition of hope, Lori responded by saying it’s “Hope is a desire for something, and an expectation to receive it. It’s not hoping to win a Ferrari or hoping to find a diamond ring on the sidewalk. It has more to do with our salvation and our well being.”

Sara asked Lori for some practical ways to encourage hope on a daily basis. Instead of falling into despair, she recommends focusing on what you can control such as healthy eating, exercising, and limiting your intake of sensationalized news that can promote panic. If watching this kind of news causes you to have dreadful thoughts, Lori suggests not to entertain them by playing out the “what ifs” in your head. Sharing your thoughts with a friend or confidant is a healthy way to see if you are grounded in reality or “making a new movie” in your head.

Lori stressed the importance of staying hopeful and grateful by finding three things every day you’re thankful for and by focusing on those thoughts instead of chaos, fear, and the what ifs.

Lori said, “I think most of us can say that we’ve grown through all this, whether it’s cutting our hair-or not (Sara and Lori laughing because Sara hasn’t had her hair cut), raising our own food, doing things that maybe we would have never thought of before, but out of necessity we’ve done them and now we know we can step up to the plate when we need to and do what needs to be done.”

If you’re still struggling with stress and anxiety, Laurel Behavioral Health is here to help. To make an appointment, call (570) 723-0620.
For more information on COVID-19, healthy coping strategies, and Laurel Health Center services, visit or

Hope looks ahead so we will be Movin’ Together going into the future with hope!


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Red Skillet
