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Movin’ Together 2020

by Sara Vogt - January 13, 2020

Happy New Year From the Movin’ Together Team!

Sara Vogt, one of the Movin’ Together team members, is a personal fitness trainer certified with the American Council on Exercise. Each month she receives a magazine encouraging those certified by ACE to passionately pursue health for themselves and those they influence. The January 2020 cover of the ACE magazine stressed Exercise Happier, Not Harder.

This exhortation lines up wonderfully with the vision of Movin’ Together, which is to fend our immune system and fight disease, especially giving us an advantage against cancer. Life is stressful so our Movin’ Together tools of healthy living should bring relief with some laughter. (Please watch the video for this broadcast for our humorous way of introducing the healthy, happy tools! :) Laughter heals by releasing endorphins, or neurotransmitters that bring a feeling of euphoria. At the same time, it stimulates circulation in our bodies, which increases oxygen intake and lowers blood pressure. Laughter can improve mood, boost immunity, and reduce stress and pain. Even the Bible reminds us in Proverbs 17:22; A cheerful heart is good medicine! One of the definitions of medicine in Webster’s dictionary is ‘something that affects well being.’

In this broadcast, we briefly discuss the 12 Movin’ Together tools. Our first tool is scheduling; not letting the urgent crowd out the important.f Without reflection on our current behavior and habits, the possibilities of reaching a goal are slim. Many highly productive people start their day with planning, meditation, and prayer. This time gives us direction for the rest of our day. If you are looking to start your day off with wisdom, you can download our free Home Page App, click on the menu and then scroll down to Today’s Proverb.

February: Hydration/Fountain of Youth; this tool of hydration fights cancer, supports our immune system, and protects us during cold and flu season, and find out the benefits of a warm bath!

March: Jumpstart Your Day/Breakfast; Sara Vogt and UPMC Registered Dietician Jen Davis will be coming back from a three-day workshop at the 2020 Idea Personal Trainer Institute, full of great info about starting the day right!

April: Time Out – Stress Less; controlling our tongue helps relieve stress, Power of the Zip! Our guest for this year’s broadcast will teach us about relaxation and wellness through therapeutic massage.

May: Enjoying the Outdoors; There are many reasons that we’ll discuss why being outside is wonderful, such as increasing our immune system! ALSO, this month STEP OUTDOORS at Winterfest takes place at Hills Creek State Park on the 18th of January. Visit their website for more information, here.

June: Protecting Our Hair and Skin; slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. This saying encourages us to slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade and slide on sunglasses.

July: Digest This, Salad Up; Learning about cancer-fighting ingredients – bitter is better! Also, Time-saving ways to make the salad a hero meal!

August: To Sleep or Not to Sleep; A sleep expert will share ways to make sleep inviting! During sleep, our bodies are working to support healthy brain function and maintain our physical health. Let’s find out how!

Sept: It’s a Stretch! Good shoes and stretching! Watch for the opportunity to win a pair of shoes that properly fit our feet – our foundation!

Oct: But Weight, There’s More; Strength training isn’t just good for our muscles – it’s great for the bones!

November: Thankful Heart, Tool of Thanks; Have you ever noticed that it is hard to be sad or mad when you are thankful? Instead of grabbing the tool of anger, reach for the tool of thanks! Gratitude is an emotional and cognitive state that is freeing because anger, resentment, jealousy and envy, when experienced for too long, become a virtual prison. We want to be free to love ourselves and others! Our guest this month will give us many ways of thinking thankfully.

December: Healing through giving and praying. Giving and other forms of compassion release brain chemicals stimulating areas of the brain that are involved in prayer. The anterior cingulate is involved in a lot of our thinking, memory, attention, and motivation and it’s also active in prayer, empathy, and compassion.
Since brain cells work in the same way as muscle cells, they get stronger the more you use them. Prayer enhances our compassion, and compassion grows us spiritually.

To celebrate the New Year we are giving away a Movin’ Together glass piece created by Kathleen Schnell of Cottage Glassworks, and a winter Movin’ Together headband!

E-mail about the tool or tools that you are the most excited :) about working on this year! Your response will be entered into a drawing for the opportunity to win this month’s gift.

We hope you have a wonderful healthy year filled with fun and adventure!

Thanks for joining us for Movin’ Together!


Idea/Concept: Lauren Gooch, Sara Vogt
Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt
Correspondent: Lauren Gooch, Julianna Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Dunhams Department Store
