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Mansfield Borough To Extend Hike & Bike Trail

by Deb Bastian - May 13, 2022

Steve McCloskey, Borough Council member, describes in our interview the extensions and phases planned to the existing hike and bike trail that currently starts behind the Mansfield Plaza. He shares that the new addition to the trail will be ¼ mile long, and run from Extension Street to North Main Street along the Corey Creek Conduit. The major goals of the project are to increase safety for trail users, provide additional recreational opportunities, and to spur economic development.

The borough has applied for a grant totaling $84,779 from the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. If successful, the grant will be announced in September, 2022. This grant requires a 50% match. The borough has also applied for a grant totaling $84,779 from the PA Statewide Local Share Account (Gaming Funds). If successful, the grant will be announced in the fall, likely around November.

Letters of support have been received from Rep. Owlett, Senator Dush, Mansfield University, Tioga County Commissioners, Mansfield Chamber of Commerce, Tioga Planning Commission, and more than a dozen positive comments from residents on a Facebook post.

Engineering and design will start in 2023 with construction starting in late 2023 or early 2024. Weather conditions will determine the schedule.

The new trail will include a gravel surface, three benches, three interpretative signs, curb cuts with crosswalks and ADA parking on Extension Street. The borough has a lease on the land allowing for construction of the trail and is working closely with the US Army Corps of Engineers on this project.

Interestingly, a walking trail has been included in planning documents for the borough of Mansfield since the flood control projects were completed in the 1970’s. The trail is now referred to as the Mansfield History Trail.


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Deb Bastian
Correspondent: Deb Bastian
Guest(s): Steve McCloskey

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: First Citizens Community Bank, Blaise Alexander Family Dealerships
