Today, HPN NEWS presents a “personal profile” on someone dearly loved and respected in our region. Jess Sandstrom, named one of the BEST MANAGERS IN RADIO for 2023 by RADIO INK, is our guest. Radio Ink, a national publication, is radio’s premier management and marketing magazine, now celebrating 32 years.
Jess Sandstrom, the driving force behind Mid-Atlantic Broadcasting, Inc., trading as KC101 in Tioga County, PA, earned her title as one of the BEST MANAGERS IN RADIO for 2023 based on a multitude of management criteria. Her dedication to developing strong workplace relationships and maximizing radio’s strengths is only surpassed by her unwavering commitment to the Tioga County community and her deep affection for the KC101 audience.
Jess has been married to Chad for over twenty years. Their daughter Nevaeh is a freshman at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, IUP. Jess has been working for KC101 since 2010. Her favorite part of her job is working with our community, especially non-profits. You will have to watch today’s broadcast feature to discover what Jess hates most about her responsibilities. We also disclose some secret activity at KC101 that helps keep everyone there sane and ready for action at any given moment.
KC101 – Hometown Country has been (the most listened-to Country Radio Station) in Tioga County for the past 28 years – and they have given back over one hundred thousand dollars to our community. If you know of a way KC101 can help our community, just let them know at 570-662-9000 or email at
Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: John Vogt
Anchor: Johanna Vogt
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Wilkinson Dunn