How Would You Spend $86,400?
Imagine you have a special relationship with a mysterious bank that deposits $86,400 every day into your checking account. You are free to use the money however you like, but there’s a catch – at the end of the day, whatever you don’t use of the $86,400 will mysteriously vanish in the same way that it appeared.
What would you do with that money? That’s a lot of money to spend each day. You could buy a nice new car every day, you pay a sizable downpayment on a house, or even get creative by hiring someone to help you come up with ways to spend it each day. Maybe you’d become interested in fine art and purchases paintings or sculptures, you could eat whatever you wanted, you could take extravagant vacations, you can make huge investments, you could even give much of it away to charity or to support a good cause. You could do almost whatever you wanted.
One thing you would never do is let that money go to waste.
You may not be making $86,400 a day, but there’s something else 86,400 of each day. Watch today’s video feature with Pastor Mike White to find out more.
Videography: Tim Crane
Video Editing: Tim Crane
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Cafe 1905, Arcadia Theatre