Healthy Tools for Enjoying Life 2024
By now, most of us have decided to step up or step back in 2024. This sense of sadness, anxiety or hesitation about moving forward this year has touched us all. It is worldwide!
The heart or mission of Movin’ Together is also worldwide – but more importantly, it’s woman-wise! To support and encourage all women of any age to feel their best, look their best, be their best, and do their best for others. Not to impress but to bless with a vulnerable and humble heart.
Eight years ago, the first Movin’ Together broadcast came to life thanks to C.S. Lewis and Home Page family staff member, Morgan Koziar. C.S. Lewis says, “You are never too old to set a new goal or to dream a new dream.” Morgan and my daughter Julianna said we will do it with you! ! So, tools came to mind when I asked God for a creative way to encourage women to be healthier!
When we feel our best, it is easier to give our best to others at work, home, and play!
“A strong woman won’t let anyone get the best of her, but a woman of strength gives her best to everyone.” – Lavida Harris.
All of the Movin’ Together tools strengthen our immune systems and increase our serotonin levels, which helps our moods be more optimistic! During this time of flu, COVID, and colds, we need great tools to help us stay in the flow of life!
In my re-certification for ACE, they talk about the acronym SMART. SMART stands for specific, measured, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This focused attention helps us stay on track when we get off track!
If you decide to try the tool of the month, please e-mail me at and let me know. Your name will be entered into a drawing that will take place at the end of the year! Every tool you try gives you another opportunity for your name to be placed in the drawing. (12 opportunities to have your name entered) Invite family and friends to join in on the fun! Hopefully, we will all feel better in 2025!
January: Scheduling: Don’t just prioritize your schedule; schedule your priorities. Austin Dunham at 365 Gym told me that some insurance companies pay for gym attendance. When I checked into my policy, it did not pay for the gym, so I went to Mary at Wilkinson Dunn, and she assisted me in finding an insurance company that paid for the gym! As a fitness professional, it is wise for any company to help us stay fit! So now, on my schedule, I have 365 two days a week, hoping to do three!
February: Hydrating: When in doubt, flush it out! It supports our immune system and protects us from COVID, cold, and flu season. The American Cancer Society reports that hydrating protects the vital organs, specifically the bladder, colon, and breast tissue, against cancer—other benefits of bathing, especially during winter.
March: Breakfasting: Successful people create momentum at the start of the day through consistent morning routines. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, so we want to remind everyone to stay healthy and eat breakfast. The National Weight Control Registry — one of the most significant ongoing studies of individuals who have successfully lost weight, with 10,000 members enrolled, has found that most people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for five years or more eat breakfast daily.
April: Laughing: For starters, laughter can benefit your physical well-being! The American psychologist William Fry, the father of gelotology, referred to laughter as ‘internal jogging’ for a good reason. A recent study found that exercise similarly affected heart rate and heart rate variability. The physiological benefits of laughter include an enhanced immune system, muscle relaxation, and reduced blood pressure. Gelotology (from the Greek γέλως gelos “laughter”) is the study of laughter and its effects on the body from a psychological and physiological perspective.
My guest on this broadcast will be Courtney Killian, owner of Charisma and Adore Fashion Boutique in Troy, PA.
May: Adventuring: An article in the USDA Forest Service says walking in the woods has health benefits. Almost anyone can reap the rewards of a short time in the woods, which increases anti-cancer proteins. Hiker Jean Cummings will be guiding us through the PA Grand Canyon.
June: Protecting: We will ride our bikes with my guest Linda Stager, wearing head-to-foot protection! We will ride the Pine Creek Rail Trail with Linda, who wrote a book about the trail called the Pine Creek Rail Trail Guidebook.
July: Digesting; Time-saving ways to make the salad a hero meal! Learning about cancer-fighting ingredients – bitter is better! Cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, and collards) contain high amounts of unique sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates that fight cancer and have been shown to reduce cancer risk. Eat to live!
August: Sleeping: Our bodies support healthy brain function and maintain physical health during sleep. Successful people prepare for a successful day before the morning; instead, they start the night before.
They unplug from their devices, read, meditate, and plan for the next day. They wake up relaxed and stress-free because they have already designed the blueprint for a productive day.
Sept: Stretching: Watch for the opportunity to win a pair of shoes that properly fit our feet – our foundation!
Oct: Lifting: Strength training isn’t just good for our muscles – it’s great for the bones! There is a well-established association between participation in regular physical activity and reductions in all-cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer-related mortality. In the last decade, strength-promoting exercise (SPE) has become integral to physical activity guidelines worldwide.
November: Thanking: Tool of Thanksgiving. Have you ever noticed that it is hard to be sad or mad when thankful? Instead of grabbing the tool of anger, reach for the tool of thanks! Gratitude is an emotional and cognitive state freeing because rage, resentment, jealousy, and envy become a virtual prison when experienced for too long. We want to be free to love ourselves and others!
December: Giving: Giving and other forms of compassion release brain chemicals stimulating areas of the brain that are involved in prayer. The anterior cingulate is involved in a lot of our thinking, memory, attention, and motivation, and it’s also active in prayer, empathy, and compassion.
Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt - ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Anchor: Sara Vogt - ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: The Home Page Network