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Family Races To Tryathlon Finish!

by Amiee Jones - October 16, 2020

Recently, the annual Tryathlon took place at Hills Creek State Park, and as can be expected, the 2020 edition looked a little different. Instead of all the participants coming at one time, all athletes had the opportunity to complete the course over an extended period of days. Participants came at a time that best suited their schedule, and reported their finish time to the park office after course completion.

Tim Morey, the race director for the event, shared that although it would have been easy to cancel the Tryathlon, he and his team felt that the adjustments they came up with gave people the opportunity to “step outdoors” in a responsible way. This concept is not just a slogan, but a mission that Tim and his team carry for the local community. With 42 known participants, the event was considerably smaller than in years passed. However, because of the altered format, there were passersby and park attendees who did not necessarily come for the Tryathlon but ended up joining in the fun.

The Krone family from Red Lion, PA was among those who took part in the experience. After having a marathon canceled earlier on, Tim Krone was looking for another event and found the Hill’s Creek Tryathlon. Although, the rest of the family was used to shorter distances, the Krone’s decided to tackle the course together. After completing the event, Julie (wife/mom) and Aiden and Bryson (sons) were challenged but proud of their new accomplishment, all three setting new personal endurance records. “Once the event was over, I think they were both pretty shocked at how much they could do, how much their body could physically do, that they just weren’t aware of before,” their dad explained in regard to the boys. When asked if they would attend the race again, Tim said, “Absolutely!” And, added that he wouldn’t be surprised if the boys added the water portion of the course next time, since they completed the running and biking part of the course this year.

Whether back to normal or another virtual race, Tim Morey expressed that he and his team will do everything they are able to host the 2021 Tryathlon, and make another enjoyable, outdoor experience for people like the Krone family who are looking to Step Outdoors!


Videography: Ethan Chabala
Video Editing: Ethan Chabala
Writing: Amiee Jones
Anchor: Rhonda Pearson

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Red Skillet
