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Chocolate, with a side of Emptiness

by Glen Hallead - April 10, 2023

Like a lot of people, I love chocolate. A lot! But I’m also something of a chocolate snob, having walked through the cocoas fields and worked with the cocoa farmers of Ghana, West Africa. Since those days I no longer eat chocolate the same. I seek out a better quality of chocolate. A truer experience of what chocolate really is.

The same way with holidays and the traditions that tag along with them. I think about this especially at Easter, when the chocolate seems to flow so freely, when eggs seem to communicate “treasure.” When children seem to be more excited about the candy and the hunt than what it represents, It leaves me a bit empty like the eggs two weeks after Easter.

The empty eggs ought to remind us not of our emptiness but of the empty tomb. The richness of chocolate, the sweetness of salvation, and the knowledge that God loves us, the peace which passes all understanding.

That is the peace and the joy I saw in many of those people’s hearts in Ghana, the joy that kept them going amidst the difficulties they faced. And it’s the joy that keeps me going, even when the chocolate it gone.

Do you know that peace? Do you want to know that peace? I can tell you where to find it. Drop me a note at my email if you want to know more. And until then, I’ll be here…by the door.


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Glen Hallead

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Tioga Garage Door Co.
