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Census Response Affects Billions In Resources

by Michael Burger - March 11, 2020

The 1st census was taken in 1790. George Washington held the presidency for only 6 months. At its conclusion, the population count totaled 3.9 million. Neither Washington, nor Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, was convinced of its accuracy.

The census has three primary goals, both in 1790 and 2020:
– Primarily, a national population county (as dictated by the Constitution);
– Secondly, allocation of the population to reapportion Congress;
– Lastly, the equitable allocation of funds { $ 675 BILLION }.

Outreaching within Pennsylvania’s 67 Counties, the partnerships being established among business, social support organizations, municipal governments, planning commissions and member driven organizations will serve to engage the community; educate the importance of the census and empower the community to complete civic responsibilities.

Utilizing word-of-mouth, social media, print and audio media throughout the region will provide a reliable point of information and point of contact. Engaging, educating and providing factual information additionally serve to provide active insights.Census data will affect literally every individual throughout the United States.

More importantly, census data and statistics shape the future of the community, allow and foster appropriate planning, shape a community’s growth, and affect a community’s social resource networks for a period of ten years – through 2030.

CENSUS 2020 Partnerships involve a two-way reciprocity. Enumerating an accurate population county rewards all involved. Businesses, social support organizations, membership driven organizations and municipal governments benefit through allocation of monies. CENSUS 2020 becomes more successful through civic engagement.

CENSUS 2020 responses are, by Law (Title 13 U.S.C.) kept confidential. CENSUS 2020 employees, enumerators, staff are sworn to uphold Title 13 for life. CENSUS 2020 data will not be publicly released in entirety for 72 years ( 2092 ). Questions posed on the CENSUS 2020 are designed to gather information important to the development of the economic well being of the United States, as laid forth in the Preamble.

2020 CENSUS aims to achieve as complete a count as possible.

“Count everyone once, at the right time and in the right place.”


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Anchor: John Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: First Citizens Community Bank
