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Back to Basics: Unconditional Love

by Pastor TJ Freeman - July 27, 2018

Have you ever had an experience that left you wondering, “What did I do to deserve this?”

Several years ago my wife, Katie, and I had an experience like that. We were expecting our first child, but during an appointment with our doctor we received the bad news that the pregnancy would end in miscarriage. We were devastated! I remember sitting in the car outside the doctor’s office trying to process what just happened. We couldn’t understand why God would allow this to happen to us. It seemed unfair for us to suffer this loss since we were trying to honor God with our lives — while lots of people who didn’t care about God at all had trouble-free pregnancies.

In that moment we wondered, “What did we do to deserve this?” Have you ever felt that way? It seems like you’re doing every thing right, but you can’t catch a break…while those who live however they please have all the luck.

Asaph was an Old Testament leader of God’s people. He wrote many of the Psalms, including Psalm 73 — where he details the frustration he felt when he observed that the wicked always seemed to prosper:

“And the righteous always seemed to suffer…”

This frustration led to despair as Asaph cried out — that all of his good behavior and careful living was done in vain. But, toward the end of the Psalm, Asaph’s tone changed.

That’s the very same thing that happened to Katie and me. As we sat in the car wondering what we had done to deserve this loss, we realized God doesn’t owe us anything at all. He created us — like everyone else — for His own glory — and yet, we had rejected Him by choosing to sin. Even though we tried to live for His glory, we were both still guilty — as all men are — of disobeying some of God’s commands. Yet, despite our rebellion — God sent His Son to take our place. On the cross, Jesus was punished by God for sins we committed. Christ, (the innocent), stood in place of me, (the guilty) – and you know what He never asked?

“What did I do to deserve this?”

Thankfully, as Katie and I sat in the car, we were reminded of what we really deserve — and we realized we’d already been given so much more! Asaph came to the same conclusion in Psalm 73. By the end of the Psalm, he said those famous words:

Psalm 73:26 — “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” (ESV)

If you haven’t read Psalm 73 lately, let me encourage you to read it today. But, more importantly — look to Christ! God made us to be satisfied in Him alone — and because of Christ you can be restored to Him today.


Idea/Concept: Pastor TJ Freeman
Videography: Kaitlyn Callahan
Video Editing: Kaitlyn Callahan
Writing: Pastor TJ Freeman

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: UPMC Susquehanna, Pleasant Valley Veterinary Care
