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Back to Basics – Endurance

by Pastor TJ Freeman - August 28, 2015

Welcome to Wellsboro Home Page. It’s time for another edition of Back to Basics. This is a series of inspirational messages that you will find on our left side-bar under the heading Special Features.

Back to Basics is designed to encourage and support our Home Page viewers with a timely word or illustration that helps us to think about and evaluate our lives from an eternal perspective. Today’s broadcast has the potential to actually change your life, for the good, forever.

Running events and competitions have increased in intensity and flair in recent years. From color runs to tough mudders to savage races – they all have the same goal: to push you to your limits to test your endurance. How is your endurance? “If you’re like me, you’re not likely to sign up for the next savage race,” says Pastor TJ. “A turkey trot is more than enough to test my limitations.”

But how well do you endure the shortcomings of others? Have you ever been in a relationship that tested your relational endurance? It could be your marriage, your time with your kids, co-workers, friends, extended family or somebody who just really knows how to push your buttons. Sometimes you may wonder how long you can take it?

Some may consider this frustration is something we simply have to live with, and in some ways that is true – our endurance is something we will be tested with for the rest of our lives. But we can endure and draw joy from these tests. Relational endurance is a matter of the heart. The best way to improve your endurance is through a new perspective. Consider these words:
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3)

Just as Jesus endured the cross and our shortcomings, we can overcome our relational hardships. Through His example and leading, we too can endure like Him. Are you a follower of Christ? If so, look to Christ as your greatest example, and joyously endure for others what He endured for you. And if you are apart from Christ, look to Him today. His sacrifice will cover all of your sins if you’ll turn from them and follow Him.

You too can learn from Christ what it means to endure. If you’d like prayer or further encouragement in your race of endurance, you can contact Pastor TJ via phone: (570) 724-3741 or by email:


Writing: N/A

Produced by Vogt Media
