Back to Basics – Decisions, Decisions
Dick Rowe was used to making decisions — but he had no idea how important a decision he made in February of 1962. A group of musicians auditioned for his record label one month earlier, but after listening to their demo he decided not to sign them saying their style of music was going out of style. That forced the band — soon to be known as the Beatles — to look elsewhere. They signed with another record label and went to great fortune and fame. Dick Rowe made a terrible decision that would go on to haunt him for the rest of his life.
Are there any big decisions in your future? Big decisions can be a source of BIG stress. The first big decision I remember making was where I would go to college and what I would major in. It seemed that my entire future was riding on that decision — and in some ways, it was! Other big decisions have been about who I would marry — and whether or not we would have children — and where would live. I’ve made big financial decisions, big decisions associated with my job, and many others. You have probably made some big decisions as well, and there are sure to be many more in your future.
I wonder how you evaluate which decision might be best. Do you collect information and weight it out and make the most informed decision? Do you try to listen to your heart or go with your gut instinct? Do you pray and seek God? Do you just leave it to chance and say c’est la vie?
Not all decisions are created equal. Some will require more attention and care than others. But, the tools I’m about to share are meant to help you make any decision no matter how big or small.
Principle #1:
Don’t be anxious. It is easy to become overwhelmed and filled with anxiety when a decision needs to be made. Resist the temptation to fear and trust God to lead you. In Philippians 4 we are instructed not to be anxious, but to pray. Prayerfully commit your thoughts to the Lord and trust Him.
Principle #2:
Ask God for wisdom. In the Bible in the book of James, chapter 1, we learn that God generously gives wisdom to His followers when they ask.
Principle #3:
Get counsel. The book of Proverbs teaches that there is wisdom in many counselors. Ask a variety of counselors for wisdom and carefully consider their input.
Principle #4:
Delight yourself in the Lord. We were created for God’s glory and all of our decisions are meant to showcase the wisdom of God. As you delight in Him your desires will be more in tune with His will and your decisions will reflect that.
Do you find it hard to delight in the Lord? Consider reading the Scriptures, praying, and seeking counsel that will help you grow in your knowledge of Him. You might be surprised just how much delight comes from a close relationship with your Creator.
Idea/Concept: Pastor TJ Freeman
Videography: Kaitlyn Callahan
Video Editing: Kaitlyn Callahan
Writing: Pastor TJ Freeman
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Laurel Health Centers, Akiko's Floral Arts