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Anger Is Everywhere. What Can We Do?

by Glen Hallead - January 30, 2024

Speak when you are angry and your will make the best speech you have ever regretted. -Ambrose Bierce

Anger is everywhere. It has permeated our politics. It has destroyed relationships. Vengeance, insults, and profanity almost seem to be a way of life for most in our culture. A consistent unhappiness. A measurable discontent in our souls. We’re fearful. We consider ourselves to have been attacked. We argue for our rights. We want, and think we are entitled to more…
Our souls are disturbed…deep-down. Disturbed.

Whether we hesitate to move forward the instant the light turns green, or we try to make a point regarding politics, religion, or morality, the response if often a twisted and contorted face, a wagging finger, and profanity laced accusation relating to our level of intelligence…or lack thereof.

But there is a way to avoid this discontent of our souls. In this month’s By the Door we discuss that very issue.

Click on the above video to find out how.


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Glen Hallead

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: The Ranch House
