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9th Annual Earth Day at Mill Cove

9th Annual Earth Day at Mill Cove


Photo provided
Two bands will perform for free on Earth Day in Mill Cove in the Charlie Fox pavilion, Radio Thieves from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. and Chasing Rabbits (shown) from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The Ninth Annual Earth Day at the Mill Cove Environmental Area is offering free, hands-on activities and educational programs for people of all ages, toddlers to adults on Saturday, April 22 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Mill Cove is located north of Mansfield.

Not only is Earth Day at Mill Cove free and open to the public but also equipment is being provided free to use during the day. Parking is free, too.

Being given away free to the first 1,500 people who arrive at Earth Day at Mill Cove is a ready-to-plant tree seedling.

At 10 a.m., join Lee Stocks Jr. in planting 500 bare root tree seedlings at Mill Cove.

“There are a variety of activities appropriate for children, youth and adults,” said Stocks. “Everyone will find plenty to do that will inspire them to make every day Earth Day,” he said.

Earth Day is held rain or shine. “Since you never know about the weather, we recommend everyone bring hiking shoes and rain gear just in case,” said Dina Henninger.

“The purpose of Earth Day at Mill Cove is to showcase Tioga County’s natural resources and the importance of conservation through the Mill Cove Environmental Area. This will be fun learning for everyone,” she said.

Children who want to learn how to fish can use rods provided at the Cove’s pond with members of Trout Unlimited Chapter #688 assisting them.

Greg Moyer of the Mansfield University Fisheries Program with the assistance of fisheries students will demonstrate how to do backpack shocking and electroshocking of fish in Mill Creek.

Kayaks, paddles and safety equipment will be provided free so children and adults can learn how to kayak under the direction of Mike Sidell of the Mansfield Canoe and Kayak Club.

The Mansfield Kiwanis Club is hosting versions of cornhole and ladder ball for youngsters to play. Tiffany Cummings’ Famous Nature Scavenger Hunt will be held.

The Master Gardeners seeds and pollinators activity booth will be open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Local eagle expert Matt West is providing information about eagles nesting habits and where to view them.

The Tiadaghton Audubon Society, a local birders group, is hosting two talks by Rob Fergus of Wallingford, Pa. and a bird walk. Fergus will present his “EZ Bird ID” talk at 11 a.m. and his talk on “How Birds See The World” at 1 p.m. At noon, the Tiadaghton birders will host a bird walk. A limited number of binoculars will be available.

Tioga County Bass Anglers are bringing a structure that is put in lakes where small fish can hide. There will be games for kids to play, candy, and information about this organization.

At Children’s Story Hour at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., the Mansfield Free Public Library’s Angela Dunlap will read “A Backyard Birding Adventure: What’s in Your Yard” by Kermit Cummings. Then, Mansfield Garden Club President KimMarie Craig, Vice-President Ashley Dziuba and member Rene Smerdon will help youngsters create a birding journal to take with them on a short bird watch hike and nature scavenger hunt.

There is a lot more to see and do.

A Benedict’s Bus Service shuttle bus will provide free rides to take those who park in the Mill Cove public parking area to the Earth Day registration area at the Mill Cove entrance. Individuals with mobility issues can be dropped off in the registration area at Mill Cove before parking.

Sponsoring Earth Day is Mill Cove, Inc., a 501c(3) nonprofit organization formed to enhance the area for recreational and environmental education purposes.

To participate as a vendor, demonstrate outdoor skills or present a program or for more information about Earth Day at Mill Cove and directions, visit the Mill Cove Environmental Area website at or contact the event vendor manager Dina Henninger at (570) 404-8607 or email her at by this Friday, April 14.

Diane Eaton
(570) 724-3800


Writing: Diane Eaton
