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The Weekly Briefing – Crosswalk Caution

by Andrew Moore - April 17, 2014

Today on Home Page the Weekly Briefing hit the road once again. Wellsboro Police Chief Jim Bodine alerted us to the crosswalk hazards in town and answered one of your questions.

The Main Street/East Avenue intersection (by The Diner) is the only intersection in Wellsboro that shuts down traffic all four ways when the pedestrian crosswalk light is activated. “It is imperative that people understand that they should use these signals to cross,” says Chief Bodine. “Because of the volume of traffic we’re experiencing, it’s a big safety issue. We’ve had a number of people killed from vehicle/pedestrian hits in years past.”

The Chief encourages citizens to simply be patient and wait for the crosswalk signals to allow safe crossing.

Chief Bodine also addressed a question regarding the intersection next to Pizza Hut. A number of Home Page viewers have asked, “Can I make a right turn at this light when it’s red?” The Chief informed us that right-on-red turns are allowed at this intersection. You should always yield to traffic and come to a complete stop before making the turn.

The Main Street/Central Avenue intersection (by The Green) does not stop all traffic. It only allows pedestrians to cross with the green lights. This is related to a PennDOT permit issue. “People have to be extremely careful – both pedestrians and motorists” says Bodine. “If a motorist sees the crosswalk signal with the white pedestrian symbol illuminated, you probably have someone around you trying to cross that street.”


Produced by Vogt Media
