The Holy Spirit and Early Church
“They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” Acts 2:42-45
The effect of the Holy Spirit upon the early church was convincingly clear. They received a baptism of passion and generosity when they received the Spirit. They were hungry to learn more. They were excited about getting together. They were filled with wonder and awe when they saw that God is supernaturally present among them. Finally, they were anxious to help those in need and concentrate not upon the accumulation of possessions but in sharing their resources.
These are the evidences of a clear and present certainty of the Spirit among us. When we are touched by God we are not satisfied with only our survival. We become enthusiastic about spreading what we have as a sower sows the seed. This church did not concentrate on ingathering. It concentrated on scattering abroad. In so doing, they had a harvest of new believers. They did not set out to entice. They just responded to God’s Spirit. They did not contrive to be attractive. They were attractive to those who were searching because something wonderful had happened to them.
The modern church is too enamored with trying to lure. It needs the allure of the Holy Spirit. It may be rightly argued that the modern church should stop trying to be authentic and be genuine. It should also be clear to the present day Christian that the moment we try to be anything we fail to grasp that for which we reach. Being faithful is our work. God’s work is to reward that faithfulness with more of Himself.
The early church devoted themselves to the apostle’s teaching. They loved the intimacy of fellowship. They broke bread and didn’t just share token refreshments. They prayed and didn’t just get more teachings on the power of prayer. This is what they did because of what God had done. Then, God did more because of what they did with glad and sincere hearts.