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The Briefing: Trick-Or-Treat Safety

by John Vogt - October 25, 2018

On today’s Wellsboro Home Page broadcast we feature another edition of THE BRIEFING with Wellsboro Police Chief Jim Bodine. Johanna Vogt talks with the Chief about Trick or Treat Safety and other valuable information regarding this season’s festivities.

There are two different events this year. The first event takes place on Saturday, October 27th from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM. This gathering is a hospital event that begins at UPMC Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital and is planned for the daylight hours for safety reasons. The Soldiers & Sailors event will be an excellent venue for younger children with lots of fun and activities in the safety of daylight.

The second event is being put on by the borough of Wellsboro and will be held on Wednesday, October 31st from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. This event begins with a parade. Participants should be at Packer Park by 5:30 PM to get ready for the parade. Chief Bodine goes over the road closings for these events during the broadcast.

The Cheif reminds parents not to let your little ones run on ahead of you and make sure you have a flashlight. Do not go near a house if the lights are off. Kids, don’t eat your goodies walking down the street. Wait till you get home and spread your treats out on a well-lit table and let Mom and Dad do the inspecting.

Those driving to and from an event, please slow down and be alert. These events are times of darting kids who are thinking more about the treats than the traffic. Parents keep your kids close.

Chief Bodine’s final words of advice – just have fun!


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: John Vogt
Anchor: Johanna Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
