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Random Acts of Kindness

by John Vogt - April 4, 2016

On Friday April 1st, Home Page staff members found our very own Sarah Vickery down on The Green here in Wellsboro with a number of students from Rock L. Butler Middle School. They were performing random acts of kindness in our community.

Their Mission: To spread good-will and do their best to leave people with a feeling of joy and happiness. And that’s exactly what they did as they showed folks that someone cared enough to do something nice for them expecting nothing in return. Sounds like a great way to engage our community.

The students said that a number of people had very appreciative for their acts of kindness. One of the students said that they heard a lot of good stuff today. That’s a very good thing.

Their teacher, Mrs. Largey explained that this is part of their STING program and that the I in sting reminds them to inspire others. This was one of the main thoughts behind their random acts of kindness, to inspire others. Mrs. Largey pointed out that Weis Market here in Wellsboro donated tons of flowers to help with the project.

Let’s purpose in our hearts to follow the example set for us by these young people and come up with our own ideas on how we too can spread random acts of kindness throughout our region. Wouldn’t it be great if this went viral and had a lasting impact on our community and our overall attitude toward others?

To the students of Rock L. Butler Middle School – thanks for influencing our community for good.


Produced by Vogt Media
