Prayer is Partnership
3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4 Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
We may desire but it is God who ordains. We may have a good heart and a good desire but it is God who opens the door for those petitions to come to pass.
We will pray more effectively when we understand that our prayers remove blocks from our side so that God may move from His side. It is like clearing the way which keeps a door from opening and when we see that we are in a partnership with God, as did Paul, we will understand what it means to have God open a door for us so that we may go through to accomplish what God has set in our hearts to pray for.
Prayer is a partnership. It is necessary for us to see that for God to open the way so we may move from our little cells that things have to happen to us. Paul recognizes this. The hindrances to God’s activity are not from God’s side. They are from Paul’s side. So he says, “Pray for us, too.” And when the door is open, Paul recognizes, he must be prepared to proclaim the message he bears as clearly as he should. The enclosures which binds us within the limits of our circumstantial cells are matters of the heart, learning to discern the next step, gaining access to the wisdom of God, or even barriers we put up with our wills or which are laid out by human or demonic forces between us and having an open door to God’s full grace.