Movin’ Together – Which Way Will You Take On The Trail?
The Pine Creek Rail Trail is 62 beautiful quiet miles from Butler Road to Jersey Shore. I usually start at the Darling Run entrance at mile 8.7, where I can ride to the north or the south. If I go North toward Wellsboro for about four miles, I will arrive at the March Creek arch bridge. In Linda Stager’s book, ‘The Pine Creek Rail Rail Guidebook,’ she writes this is the only arch bridge on the trail and is not original to the rail bed. If I decide to go South for about the same distance, I arrive at the double bridges of the Turkey Path. Either way gives me an hour’s ride on my bike, going approximately eight miles North or South.
In 2001, the trial was named by USA Today as one of the ten great places to take a bike tour worldwide. The Pine Creek Gorge was also named a National Natural Landmark in 1968.
On this broadcast of Movin’ Together, you’ll see Christine A. Moore-Seidel, my daughter Julianna and I riding the Pine Creek Rail Trail. I had not ridden since last April when I fell playing pickleball and fractured my hip. It felt good to get back into the saddle again! Julianna also had a new bike from CS Sports (Wellsboro) to enjoy.
For the last few years, we have ridden the trail with Linda Stager and learned much about the trail’s history. Julianna learned to ride her bike on the trail because it is pretty level — an excellent place for walking, biking, and hiking. Linda came into the Home Page studios for this broadcast to share about the trail and expressed her admiration for the trail and those who use it. She stressed that all of us who use the trail should respect others enjoying the outdoors too! She also encouraged us to consider the benefits of wearing a helmet.
Linda’s book is filled with colorful photos, most of which she has taken herself. She shares the history of the railroad and how, ‘In July 1988, Conrail filed to abandon the rail, and the following month the Lycoming County Commissioners petitioned the state to give priority to using the abandoned right of way by only non-motorized vehicles. At about the same time, the concept of the rail-to-trail was presented within the then Department of Environmental Resources. Two years later, the Pennsylvania legislature passed Senate Bill 967, which allowed the state to purchase the railroad right of way for $1 and to initiate the trails we now have.’
The construction of the first section of the trail began in 1995, and the final section of the 62 miles was completed in 2007. The story of the trail continues with Ground breaking that took place a few weeks ago for the section that will connect downtown Wellsboro to the trail at 267. That section will be completed in two years.
The above information was taken from Linda Stager’s book, the Pine Creek Rail-Trail Guidebook.
Ladies, to win one of Linda’s books, comment on our Facebook page or e-mail me at what you enjoy about the Pine Creek Rail Trail! Already have Linda’s book? Win it for a friend! That is an excellent way for Movin’ Together.
Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt
Guest(s): Linda Stager
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Tioga County First Responders Day Camp