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Movin’ Together – Body & Soul Fitness Class

by Sara Vogt - September 10, 2024

John and I were preparing recently for a two-day trip to celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary. I had the “bright idea” of refilling the wiper fluids in both cars just before leaving!

When I put it in John’s car, it did not look quite right, but there was already a blue liquid in it, so I went ahead and filled it to the top!

I went to my car and immediately found where the wiper fluid should actually go. Returning to John’s car, I realized I had poured it into the coolant reserve. Oh no! At about that time, John rushed out to his haircut appointment. I told him he needed to take my car for his appointment. (Watch where you put the windshield wiper fluid – I discovered that my mistake is a pretty common error!)

Starting John’s car was not an option because the wiper solution needed to be drained from the coolant reserve to avoid harming any of the car’s systems. So we gladly left it to be fixed! Thanks to our Home Page family staff member Wyatt Wood, who came to the rescue! Thanks, Wyatt – John loves that car!

That is just John’s car, but we are grateful it is driveable! Our cars have 11 vehicle systems, and our own physical bodies also have 11 systems – nervous, respiratory, excretory, muscular, endocrine, lymphatic, integumentary, digestive, skeletal, circulatory, and reproductive!

Your body is like a car. It will get you to your destination but requires care and maintenance to run well! If we could only buy one car in our lifetime, I think most of us would want to take the best care of it! Well, you can buy another car, but God only gives each of us one body for life.

How important are our body systems? Scripture says: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, is credited with saying, “Let food be your medicine and medicine your food.” He lived to about 100, eating a plant-based diet! Our healthy decisions also help keep our human body systems running smoothly and increase longevity!

The Wellsboro Vineyards Healthy Lifestyle class will start on October 1st at 9:30 a.m. and meet every Tuesday and Thursday for nine weeks. This free class combines Body and Soul Movements for about 30 minutes and a discussion about the Movin’ Together “tool of the month.” This is how my health & fitness program, Movin’ Together, is teaming up with Vineyard. The Movin’ Together tools we’ll be equipping you with hate cancer, having worked for a Cancer Specialist in Washington, DC for many years. Please bring a mat and weights to class! Wellsboro Vineyard is the 3rd pilot church for this Body and Soul Fitness class type. Be prepared to have some fun!

I am a certified Personal Trainer with the American Council on Exercise who loves encouraging others to keep moving! Please check with your healthcare professional before attending the class.

I taught Body and Soul many years ago and with their blessing I started Movin’ Together. When I called recently to see about teaching again the creator of Body and Soul, Jeannie Blocher said that I could do both Body and Soul Fitness and Movin’ Together. I am so grateful to be on this journey.

Let’s remind ourselves what God told Joshua – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

If you have any questions or concerns about the class please e-mail me at


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Akiko's Floral Arts
