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Mansfield Highlights: 06/19/17 – 06/23/17

by Home Page Staff - June 24-25, 2017

It’s time once again to take a look at what happened the past week. The Weekly Highlights are a great way to catch up, but don’t forget that you can always watch the full stories from either our front page or the archives section.
The Amazing 2017 Laurel Festival
It was a week packed with fun and pageantry from the pet parade and the Wellsboro Town Band’s first seasonal concert to the the Ten-K Footrace and the queen candidates visit to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. People came from all over the Northeast to enjoy the festivities and the great food from Wellsboro’s fantastic restaurants.

The Home Page Network and KC 101 would like to congratulate Miss Williamson, Abbey Carleton our new 2017 Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival Queen. We wish you and all the participating candidates God’s very best for you in the future. We hope that everyone who attended this years festival had a wonderful time here in Tioga County Pennsylvania will join us again next year.
Back to Basics – Raising Children
What had the most impact on the child’s future was the parent-child relationship. What kind of relationship did the child have with his parents?

According to the study delinquents and criminals overwhelmingly tended to come from homes in which discipline was either overstrict and erratic, there was unsuitable supervision, where neither parent shows real love or warmth, and where the parents were separated.

This is probably no surprise to you. The home environment has a dramatic effect on how you turn out. It’s undeniable.

In today’s video feature, Mike presents a few tips on how parents can provide a stable loving home, including:
– Consistent discipline
– Quality time
– Love
MU Psych Central – STRESS
PTSD is a serious disorder that should be more widely understood. Awareness is needed to draw attention to the myriad of symptoms that can negatively affect someone’s life, due to a perceived traumatic event or events that a person struggles to overcome. Mental health professionals can provided needed support, and group therapy also tends to be of help to those who feel alone, or struggle alone, not knowing how to relate to others, or discuss their situation.

Stress can be a debilitating when it’s chronic, frequent, intense, and experienced as a threat. Furthermore, it can lead to other more serious mental and physical health issues that should not be ignored. If you, or someone you know, is struggling with any of these symptoms, it is so important to check-in with a doctor, who may be able to refer you to someone who can help.
The Gem That Changes Color
Pearl is the more commonly known birthstone for June, but today I will be talking about this month’s lesser known birthstone, alexandrite.

Alexandrite with its chameleon-like qualities is a rare variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. A relatively new gemstone originally discover in Russia’s Ural mountains in the 1830s, it is now primarily found in Sri Lanka, East Africa and Brazil, but fine material is exceptionally rare and valuable. Because of its scarcity, especially in larger sizes, alexandrite is an expensive member of the chrysoberyl family.


Writing: N/A

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Dunhams Department Store, Matthews Motor Company
