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Local Author Publishes Book To Help With Ministry Burnout

by Sara Vogt - August 13, 2024

Kathy Moore has written a book called Live Ever-Fresh about being overwhelmed by life. She has a master’s in counseling from Regent University, so she began seeking God to help herself feel alive again! In the book’s fifteen chapters, she describes the unhealthy and healthy mindsets we face daily.

She has ten questions on page seventeen in Chapter Two to see if you are struggling with feeling overwhelmed. Rate yourself from one to ten for each question. One being never and ten always true.
1) Do you have an internal critic telling you that you should be doing more? Do you feel obligated to help?
2) Do you struggle with feeling used, taken advantage of, or not appreciated?
3) Are you driven by a need to please people and feel guilty when you say no to helping someone?
4) Do you find yourself wanting to avoid the very people you used to love talking to and helping?
5) Do you find yourself rehashing conversations or get preoccupied with people’s problems?
6) Does anxiety arise when someone says they need to talk with you?
7) Do you feel pressured or manipulated by strong personalities to say yes when you say to say no? Are you easily steamrolled?
8) Do you feel drained from carrying so many responsibilities and wearing too many hats?
9) Is it hard for you to identify what you enjoy and want to do because you spend so much time thinking about others? Have you lost touch with your own heart?
10) Do you find yourself giving more than you want to give and feeling resentful because of it?

Being vulnerable and honest with ourselves is one of the first steps to living a healthier life—first with ourselves and then with others. Change can happen with God’s help and our willingness to change.

Kathy addresses these questions in the fifteen chapters of the book, such as in Chapter Three: Unhealthy Mindset: Obligation “I Should.”


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt
Guest(s): Kathy Moore

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Dunhams Department Store, Akiko's Floral Arts
