Life, Identity and Purpose
“We all gain from the words of others taking what they have taught us and multiplying it through our faith, thought and our lives. Thus truth comes and is magnified through the believer from one generation to another.” derrel emmerson, editor
It is self evident that when people depose of God they really mean that they want to be God and they will do everything they can do to become his replacement. It is then that they have to come up with an explanation and a fix for everything. They have to make every effort to become omniscient, omnipotent, all knowing and immortal. When they discover they cannot achieve these characteristics they make every effort to freeze themselves in human memory. They try to create a historical legacy or mark their graves with some granite reminder they were here in power and glory. (Of course, we speak in metaphors.) An Anonymous Transient, “life, identity and purpose without Capitals”