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Healthy Tools For Success

Healthy Tools For Success

by Sara Vogt - February 8, 2022

We know our tools matter, especially if you are a mechanic, surgeon, builder, gardener, painter, electrician, dentist, therapist, baker, or hairstylist. You’ll want to use the best tools for those who come to you for your expertise. You usually have to go to a trade school or college for the training needed to use the tools of your profession.

Movin’ Together tools can be used by everyone every day to make all of our lives better and healthier. Certified Personal Trainer, Sara Vogt, worked for a cancer specialist in Washington DC, so she has seen first hand the heartache of the disease for the patient and their family. She is passionate about encouraging others to be proactive about their health, and so the following tools came to life! Most of these tools are referenced on the American Cancer Society Website link listed below.

These healthy tools also gave many of us assistance during the past few years of covid and now during the cold and flu season. Each month we’ll be doing a video presentation encouraging you to hop on board and grab a tool for health.

January: The scheduling tool: Don’t just prioritize your schedule; schedule your priorities. Without reflection on our current behavior and habits, the possibilities of reaching a goal are slim. Many highly productive people start their day with planning, meditation, and prayer.

February: Hydration/Fountain of Youth; supports our immune system, protects us during covid, cold, and flu season. The American Cancer Society reports that hydration protects the vital organs, specifically the bladder, colon, and breast tissue, against cancer. Also, the benefits of bathing, especially during the winter months.

March: Jumpstart Your Day/Breakfast: Successful people create momentum at the start of the day through consistent morning routines. March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, so we want to remind everyone to stay healthy and eat breakfast. The National Weight Control Registry — one of the largest ongoing studies of individuals who have successfully lost weight, with 10,000 members enrolled, has found that the majority of people who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for five years or more eat breakfast every day.

April: Time Out – Stress Less: What does that mean to you? In the past broadcasts we have highlighted hair care, and nail care. This year we hope to highlight massage therapy.

May: Enjoying the Outdoors: An article in the USDA Forest Service says that there are health benefits of walking in the woods. ‘Exposure to forests strengthens our immune system, reduces blood pressure, increases energy, boosts our mood, and helps us regain and maintain our focus in ways that treeless environments don’t.
These benefits don’t necessarily come from intense physical activities many people do in the forest, such as hiking or mountain biking. Almost anyone can reap the rewards of a short sojourn to the woods, which increases anti-cancer proteins.

June: Protecting Our Hair and Skin; slip, slop, slap, seek and slide. This saying encourages us to slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat, seek shade, and slide on sunglasses.

July: Digest This, Salad Up; Time-saving ways to make the salad a hero meal! Learning about cancer-fighting ingredients – bitter is better! Cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, kale, cabbage, and collards) contain high amounts of special sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates that fight cancer and have been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. Eat to live!

August: To Sleep or Not to Sleep: Our bodies are working to support healthy brain function and maintain our physical health during sleep. Successful people don’t wait until the morning to prepare for a successful day; instead, they start the night before.
They unplug from their devices, read, meditate, and plan for the next day. They wake up relaxed and stress-free because they have already designed the blueprint for a productive day.

Sept: It’s a Stretch! Good shoes and stretching! Watch for the opportunity to win a pair of shoes that properly fit our feet – our foundation!

Oct: But Weight, There’s More; Strength training isn’t just good for our muscles – it’s great for the bones! There is a well-established association between participation in regular physical activity and reductions in all-cause cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer-related mortality. In the last decade, strength-promoting exercise (SPE) has become an integral component of physical activity guidelines around the world.

November: Thankful Heart, Tool of Thanks; Have you ever noticed that it is hard to be sad or mad when you are thankful? Instead of grabbing the tool of anger, reach for the tool of thanks! Gratitude is an emotional and cognitive state that is freeing because rage, resentment, jealousy, and envy become a virtual prison when experienced for too long. We want to be free to love ourselves and others!

December: Healing through giving and praying. Giving and other forms of compassion release brain chemicals stimulating areas of the brain that are involved in prayer. The anterior cingulate is involved in a lot of our thinking, memory, attention, and motivation, and it’s also active in prayer, empathy, and compassion.

For more information about the tools, please visit the websites below.


Writing: Sara Vogt

Produced by Vogt Media
