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Blossburg Bell Rings after 35 Years!

by John Vogt - September 9, 2014

There was a time when church bells rang throughout our land, calling people to community worship and reminding us to demonstrate love and goodwill toward all. Now, in this Post-Christian, more secularized way of life in the United States – many church bells have gone silent. There are many reasons for the silencing of the bells, but for a number of church communities the ringing of those bells is no longer a priority.

The Seventh Day Adventist Church in Blossburg, Pennsylvania had their bell go silent about 35 years ago. Due to mechanical failure and constant repairs the church decided not to fix it. It was no longer a priority.

About a year ago Pastor Humbert arrived. The Lord certainly knew who to send, because Pastor Humbert happens to have a love for church bells and what they represent. When he found out that the church actually had a bell in their tower he began to encourage church members to go forward with the necessary repairs that would allow that bell to ring again.

It is inspiring to know that this Sunday, September 13th – for the first time in nearly 35 years – the church bell at the Seventh Day Adventist Church will ring again. You are invited to join the congregation as they celebrate this inaugural event. (The church is located at 116 Williamson Road, Blossburg, PA.) Guests should arrive around 10:30 AM. The bell will ring for the first time at a public worship service at 10:50 AM sharp. For more information on this Saturday’s events, you can contact Dianne L. Feeser, Community Outreach Coordinator at 570-673-8033. We hope to see you there this Saturday!


Produced by Vogt Media
