Back to Basics – Stepping Out in Faith
Melissa Owlett and Barbara Winters join Pastor Freeman on today’s broadcast feature for a unique Back to Basics. They share their journey of stepping out in faith and being faithful to God’s call, even when they were not sure exactly what it all meant. As it turns out the mission is to bring the Gettys to our area for a concert on Saturday, April 29th. This labor of love was a step of faith for all three.
Melissa, who is now the event coordinator for this Getty concert struggled with a serious illness last year. During this time God placed a desire in her heart to be a part of bringing people together for a significant event. This January when she expressed her thoughts about being a part of a large event to her Pastor, TJ Freeman, she did not know that there was an event already being considered. When Melissa heard about the possibility of bringing the Gettys to the area for a special concert, she became part of the team.
One of the requests the Gettys’ made in preparation for this event was to have a choir sing with them. That is where Barbara Winters joins the team as choir director. Initially, when asked about the position, she noted that her plate was too full to consider it. Barbara tearfully recalls how a short time later things changed, stating, “A couple of weeks later I end up losing my job. OK, Lord, now what do I do?” Then He brought back to her mind the Gettys concert. She sent an e-mail to Pastor Freeman stating that if you still don’t have a choir director, she was interested. The rest is history! Barbara is now leading a 35 member choir consisting of different churches in the area.
Wellsboro Bible Church has stepped out to bring the Gettys to the area to bless those in our community. The concert takes place on Saturday, April 29th with doors opening at 6:00 PM. The concert begins at 7:00 PM
For more information on the Gettys, go to their website at
If you would like more information about the concert, or to purchase tickets, call Wellsboro Bible Church at (570) 724-3741 or visit their website.
Idea/Concept: Pastor TJ Freeman
Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Pastor TJ Freeman
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Three Springs Ministries, Sherwood Motel