Back to Basics – Raising Children
You’re probably familiar with the great nature vs nurture debate, which asks the question- are our qualities and personalities determined by our DNA that we inherit from our parents- or by the environment in which we grow up? In other words is it our genes that make us who we are or the influence of our environment upon us?
On the nurture side of the debate. A Harvard Law study took place a number of years ago of over 2500 young criminals, matching them with young non delinquents form the same economic, ethnic, and social backgrounds. The purpose of it was to ask the question- what factors in their environments growing up led to the negative choices they would make later on? Is there a way we can predict if a child would later become a delinquent?
The most important factor was not how much money did their parents have, or how educated their parents were, or what kind of schools they went to.
What had the most impact on the child’s future was the parent-child relationship. What kind of relationship did the child have with his parents?
According to the study delinquents and criminals overwhelmingly tended to come from homes in which discipline was either overstrict and erratic, there was unsuitable supervision, where neither parent shows real love or warmth, and where the parents were separated.
This is probably no surprise to you. The home environment has a dramatic effect on how you turn out. It’s undeniable.
In today’s video feature, Mike presents a few tips on how parents can provide a stable loving home, including:
– Consistent discipline
– Quality time
– Love
Idea/Concept: Mike White
Videography: Erin O'Shea
Video Editing: Erin O'Shea
Writing: Mike White
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Bethany's Jewelry & Design, Hickory Fest