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Back to Basics – Of Wisdom & Bears

by Pastor TJ Freeman - September 22, 2017

The woods of Pennsylvania are pretty safe, especially when compared to the woods in other states. Where I used to live in Southwest Florida, the woods are full of poisonous plants, fire ants, alligators, panthers, and spiders and snakes that are a lot bigger than they have any right to be. I’m much more comfortable in the woods around here than I ever was there. But, there are still some dangers in these woods…

There is one animal in particular that most people think about when they go into the woods: the black bear. Most of the time you don’t have to worry about bears because they are more afraid of you than you are of them. But there is one situation you never want to get into.

You don’t want to come between a mother bear and her cubs. Everyone knows that it’s a bad day when you find yourself in that situation.

A few years ago a husband and wife found themselves in that situation. While hiking through the woods in Montana they came upon a mother grizzly and her cubs. The mother bear took note of the hikers and slowly began to approach them, which caused the couple to panic and run. Unfortunately, the bear pursued and fatally wounded the husband.

Following the incident many wanted the bear to be euthanized, but biologists refused, explaining that the bear was not being overly aggressive – it was just a mother bear doing what mother bears do, protecting her cubs. I don’t want to think about what I’d do if I were face to face with an angry mother bear.

Most of us will never have that experience. But, did you know that you face a threat even more severe every day?

Toward the middle of your Bible, you’ll find the book of Proverbs. This book is full of wisdom. The Proverbs teach how to use money wisely, how to keep from being lazy, how to build strong relationships, and how to live a long life. And naturally, the book warns of many of the dangers we’ll encounter throughout our lives.

Proverbs 17:12 says — “Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly.”

According to the book of Proverbs, you are better off running into an angry mother bear than coming face to face with a fool. And most days, it is likely we will face that threat, because there is no shortage of people making foolish decisions. In fact, you’ve probably made some foolish choices as well…maybe more than you care to admit!

But, there is a way to avoid the dangerous consequences of foolish living. And that is to live wisely. But sometimes that’s easier said than done! We have such limited perspectives — and sometimes we make foolish choices before we even know what hit us. We spend ourselves deep into debt, we wound others with our words, we do something foolish at work, we get into unhealthy relationships, we get addicted to substances we thought would set us free. If only there were someone who could warn us right before we made a foolish mistake.

The God who made us — and who is all wise — who knows everything past, present, and future — has warned us, through His Word. The book of Proverbs happens to be 31 chapters long. Consider taking a month and reading a chapter a day. This practical habit, over time, will pay dividends as you learn the art of wise living.

Thanks for watching this edition of Back to Basics and we’ll see you next time on the Home Page Network!


Idea/Concept: Pastor TJ Freeman
Videography: Andrew Moore, Tim Crane
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Pastor TJ Freeman

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Sherwood Motel, Matthews Motor Company
