Back to Basics – Good Friday Special
Why do we call it “good” Friday?
As you probably know this week is the passion week, which is observed by Christians worldwide, and Good Friday is the climax of passion week where Jesus was condemned to death and crucified on a Roman cross. Many of us are familiar with the Easter message and sometimes that familiarity tends to blur what actually happened. So we’ve invited Dr. Andy Sayre to explain to us what actually medically happened to Jesus on the cross. Be sure to watch the video above to for his account.
After hearing about what happened on Good Friday you might me thinking, “What could possibly be good about that? We might as well call it horrible Friday. And it is a time to mourn and to reflect on what happened that day 2000 years ago.”
Christians believe that the name Good Friday is appropriate because, as terrible as it was, it marks the dramatic culmination of God’s plan to save His people from sin. Jesus didn’t come to merely be a moral example for us – or to show us what real love looks like. Jesus’ purpose in coming into this world was to take upon Himself the penalty of the sins of mankind.
The story of the Bible is really one of God’s relationship with mankind – and that relationship was strained because of sin. In fact the Bible tells us that all have sinned – and sin separates us from God. The wages of sin is eternal separation from God. But in His love, He didn’t leave us to die in our sins. He sent Jesus to die for us. Christians call this “penal substitution” – he literally died in our place. He took the punishment we deserve so that we could be forgiven of sin and be set free.
Imagine if you were guilty of a crime. You’re on the witness stand and the judge is about to strike the gavel and declare you guilty. And someone who was innocent stood up and took your place, took your punishment. That’s why Good Friday, as horrible as it was, is so good. We deserved to be on that cross, but Jesus took the punishment for us.
And it doesn’t end there, because Jesus didn’t stay dead. 3 days later God raised him from the dead, accepting his sacrifice on the cross. And if Jesus was raised from the dead, those who believe the good news (the message of his death and resurrection) – we too will be raised from eternal death, be forgiven of sin, and have a relationship with the God of the universe.
That’s what Good Frida, and resurrection Sunday, are all about. And that’s why we celebrate this week in particular.
If you are interested in learning more about the cross or have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me:
And if you aren’t already part of a church, please join us this Sunday at Wellsboro Bible Church. We meet at the Wellsboro High School auditorium every Sunday at 10am.
Thank you so much for watching this special edition of Back to Basics. May you have a wonderful Easter weekend!
Idea/Concept: Mike White
Videography: Kaitlyn Callahan
Video Editing: Kaitlyn Callahan
Writing: Mike White
Produced by Vogt Media
Funded by Wellsboro Bible Church
Idea/Concept: Mike White
Videography: Kaitlyn Callahan
Video Editing: Kaitlyn Callahan
Writing: Mike White
Anchor: N/A
Correspondent: N/A
Photography: ,
Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Wellsboro Bible Church