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Baby Boomers: Retire or Refire?

by Sara Vogt - October 17, 2014

According to the 2014 data from the U.S. Census Bureau there are 76.4 million of us born between 1946 to 1964 – we are known as the baby boomers!

Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansen encouraged us in their book, ‘How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life’ (2006 – a great read)) not to retire but instead to refire. For some of us experienced workers to find meaning we may choose to volunteer, or start a new business or an adventure that we are passionate about or we may need to find a new job and learn new job skills.

Experience Works is one of the solutions for those of us over 55 to enable us to return to the work force. Louise Wyble, the Employment and Training Coordinator of Experience Works, told that us it all started under the Johnson Administration in 1965. Originally named Green Thumb, and chartered in 1965 as a small, rural demonstration program, Experience Works has grown to be the nation’s leading provider of training, employment, and community service for low-income older people. Louise told us how she went from a participant in need of work to now managing this office. She understands what it means to be out of work and needing to be hired. For those interested in being an Experience Works SCSEP participant he or she needs to meet the following criteria on age, residence, income requirements and be unemployed. Experience Works benefits the community by improving the lives of older workers through training, community service and employment. Yesterday was their open house to celebrate the office space. Many came to congratulate Louise and State Manager Steve Weeks, among them were State Representative Matt Baker; President/CEO of TCDC, Bob Blair; Field Rep for Senator Scarnati, Deborah Rudy; District Rep for Tom Marino, Matt Hutchinson; and a number of other individuals from our area.

For more information, you can contact Louise via her phone number: (570) 560-6400

Or email her at:


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