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2022 Laurel Festival Queen Follow-Up

by Sara Vogt - August 17, 2022

The 80th Pennsylvania State Laurel Festival lasted from June 11 to the 19th. On Saturday, the 18th, at 6:30 pm, the 2022 Laurel Queen coronation occurred at the Coolidge Theatre at the Deane Center.

Miss Wellsboro, Regan Regina was crowned the 2022 Laurel Festival Queen at the coronation ceremony held on Saturday, June 18. She was also named Miss Congeniality as voted by the other candidates.

Some women desire beauty, some the status that their accomplishments bring but on this broadcast, my guest, Laurel Festival Queen 2022 Regan Laurel Regina, looks for opportunities to benefit her family, community, and those she meets in this life journey.

Regan’s goal for the weekend was to ensure that all the girls felt welcome, loved, and happy while attending the weekend. As Miss Wellsboro, she did not want to present herself as a tour guide but as a queen candidate like the rest of the girls. Regan wanted to create a caring, not competing, community among the girls. She understood that competition is a natural part of the pageant but did not want to focus on that aspect.

Regan’s driving force is to show kindness, love, and care for others, so that is what she chose to do at the Laurel Festival Pageant this year. As Regan lives in this manner, she is free to enjoy the moments of life.

When asked what she would like to bring to the Laurel Festival Pageant in the future, she said she would like to encourage the other girls to be themselves. She believes being yourself truly impresses people as you show confidence in your identity—not living to impress but to bless and care for others.

Editor’s note: This advice from Regan would benefit all of us as we strive to look out for the well-being of others.


Videography: Andrew Moore
Video Editing: Andrew Moore
Writing: Sara Vogt
Anchor: Sara Vogt
Guest(s): Regan Regina

Produced by Vogt Media
Home Page Sponsors: Penn Wells Hotel / Lodge, Thompson's Sports & Apparel
